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Vendor: HP
Exam Code: HPE0-P27
Exam Name: Configuring HPE GreenLake Solutions
Certification: HPE GreenLake
Total Questions: 157 Q&A
Updated on: Oct 09, 2024
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Is this solution component included in all HPE GreenLake deals? Solution: Monitoring through Adaptive Management Services.
A. Yes
B. No
Is this a use case for recommending Right Mix Advisor (RMA) services to a customer? Solution: To help the customer choose between virtualization platforms
A. Yes
B. No
Is this a reason for partners to sell HPE GreenLake solutions rather than traditional HPE solutions? Solution: to create deeper connections with customers.
A. Yes
B. No
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Dumps are valid. I passed my exam this morning. Few questions are different with the Qs from the dumps but never mind. I passed. Thank you. Good luck to you all.
About 3 questions are different, but the remaining is ok for pass. I passed successfully.
This dumps is very very valid. I passed this week with a satisfied score. ALL questions were from this file.
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