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Vendor: Citrix
Exam Code: 1Y0-341
Exam Name: Citrix ADC Advanced Topics - Security, Management, and Optimization
Certification: CCP-N
Total Questions: 107 Q&A
Updated on: Oct 07, 2024
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What is required for connecting a data center to the Citrix Application Delivery Management (ADM) Service?
A. Instance
B. Configuration Job
C. Agent
D. Syslog
Scenario: When reviewing the activity logs for a web application, a Citrix Engineer notices a high number of requests for the page, /setup.aspx. Further investigation reveals that most of these requests originated from outside the network.
Which protection can the engineer implement to prevent this?
A. HTML Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
B. Cookie Consistency
C. Start URL with URL Closure
D. Buffer Overflow
Which Citrix Application Delivery Management (ADtv1) Analytics page allows a Citrix Engineer to monitor Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop traffic?
A. Web Insight
B. WAN Insight
C. HDX Insight
D. Gateway Insight
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