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Vendor: Huawei
Exam Code: H13-527
Exam Name: HCIP-Cloud Computing V5.0
Certification: Huawei Certification
Total Questions: 378 Q&A
Updated on: Jan 17, 2024
Cinder provides an interface for back-end storage devices. Different module device service vendors provide drivers to integrate OpenStack Convert operation to storage operation Made.
A. Correct
B. Error
The VIMS heartbeat plane is a Layer 2 network and does not need to communicate with any other planes.
A. Correct
B. Error
In FusionAccess R6, what is wrong about the management component?
A. Two AD/DHCP/DNS virtual machines adopt load sharing method
B. Two ITA virtual machines need to be set as mutually exclusive virtual machines, otherwise it will affect the normal operation of the business
C. Two ITA virtual machines run in active/standby mode
D. When ITA and WI are deployed on the same virtual machine, use the same IP address to log in
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Wonderful study material. I used this material only half a month, and eventually I passed the exam with high score. The answers are accurate and detailed. You can trust on it.
There are so many new questions in the latest update. You can trust on this. Good luck to you all, guys.
Valid. All questions from the exam, some have different order of the answers. so be careful during the exam.
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