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Vendor: ASIS
Exam Code: ASIS-CPP
Exam Name: Certified Protection Professional
Certification: Certified Protection Professional
Total Questions: 767 Q&A
Updated on: Oct 25, 2024
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Identify the Act that basically prohibits discrimination, discharge, failure or refusal to hire, etc., on any of the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin:
A. The Fair Credit Reporting Act
B. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
C. The First Amendment
D. The Omnibus Crime Control Act
E. None of the above
Unavoidable drainage ditches, culverts, vents, ducts, and other openings should be protected by securely fastened welded-bar grills when they have a cross-sectional area greater than:
A. 10 square inches
B. 48 square inches
C. 64 square inches
D. 96 square inches
E. 04 square inches
A legal search may be made:
A. Without a warrant
B. Incident to lawful arrest
C. With consent
D. For inventory purposes
E. All of the above
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