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Vendor: Microsoft
Exam Code: 77-888
Exam Name: Excel 2010 Expert
Certification: Microsoft Office Specialist
Total Questions: 62 Q&A
Updated on: Feb 01, 2022
Exam retired
Exam Passed. Valid dumps. Recommend strongly.
The version is complete and accurate. The most important is that this dumps update quickly and there are many new questions . So I felt confident in exam. Recommend.
I knew this dumps by accident. One month ago, I searched on the Internet and found this material. At first, I didn't dare to pay much attention on this material and also brought many other material. But when i used all the materials I brought , I found that there are many new questions and the answers are or accurate in this material.Gradually,I payed more attention on this material and at last I only used this material. Today I have cleared that I passed the exam with high score. So I recommend this material strongly.
The content of this dumps is rich and complete, you can find that all the answers of questions from this dumps. Very useful.
This is very good dumps with almost 100% correct answers, much better than any other dumps. Recommend.
passed, passed, passed .thanks a lot
The answers are accurate. Well you should notice some of the questions are slightly changed. Be careful.
Dumps are valid. I passed my exam this morning. Few questions are different with the Qs from the dumps but never mind. I passed. Thank you. Good luck to you all.
A very good study material, i just used one month and i passed the exam yesterday. So you can trust on it.
About 3 questions are different, but the remaining is ok for pass. I passed successfully.
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