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Vendor: Microsoft
Exam Code: 70-548-VB
Exam Name: PRO:Design and Develop Wdws-Based Appl by Using MS.NET Frmwk
Certification: MCPD
Total Questions: 77 Q&A
Updated on: Dec 12, 2021
Exam retired
Passed my exam today. Great job.Thanks this dumps.
Valid. All questions from the exam, few questions have the different order. So please be careful in the exam,
I just pass the exam with 936. Thanks for helping.
took the exams yesterday and scored 9xx.dumps are valid. almost all of the multiple choice came out. I advice know ur material very well and then U can read dumps. good success
Passed full scored. I should let you know. The dumps is veeeeeeeeery goooooooood !!!
Passed with high score today. Only get 2 new Qs and some Qs are variant of the Qs in this dumps,but they just changed server names or the orders of the options of the case.Good luck you all.
Valid dumps, recommend strongly.
thanks god and thank you all. 100% valid. you can trust on it.
Valid study material! Go get it now!!!
Test engine works fine. Pass my exam. Thank you.
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