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Vendor: Microsoft
Exam Code: 70-516
Exam Name: TS: Accessing Data with Microsoft .NET Framework 4
Certification: Windows Phone 7
Total Questions: 348 Q&A
Updated on: Feb 08, 2022
Exam retired
I used it,I passed. I found same questions..but it's not the same orderl, be careful.
Passed today with 938. There are a lot of D&D but only 3-4 new. Thank you all!
Very effective study material.I just passed my exam. As long as you studied this material careful, you will pass the exam with high score. Recommend.
Wonderful dumps. I really appreciated this dumps with so many new questions and update so quickly. Recommend strongly.
Passed full scored. I should let you know. The dumps is veeeeeeeeery goooooooood !!!
I'm so happy that I passed exam this week. Thanks for this study material and my friend's recommendation.
Valid study material! Go get it now!!!
This dumps is enough to pass exam.There are many new questions and some modified questions.Good luck to you all.
Today i pass the exam successfully .Thanks for this dumps. Recommend.
A very good study material, i just used one month and i passed the exam yesterday. So you can trust on it.
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