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Vendor: Novell
Exam Code: 050-718
Exam Name: PartnerNet Specialization: Security Management (ZENworks Endpoint Security Management emphasis)
Certification: Novell Other Certification
Total Questions: 105 Q&A
Updated on: Dec 16, 2021
Test engine works fine. Pass my exam. Thank you.
today all the question are from this dumps, so i passed the exam without doubt. thanks for it. Recommend.
Got 950 pass monday, almost all questions from this dumps.. So its VALID!!
Now, i'm very happy that i have passed the exam in the morning. Thanks for my friend introduce this good dumps to me. i will also recommend this good dumps to others.
Great dumps! I achieved high score with the help of this dumps, I will continue use this dumps and introduce it to others.
Valid. All questions from the exam, few questions have the different order. So please be careful in the exam,
took the exam yday.passed with almost full mark.Dump is very valid.
Passed with unexpected score. A big surprise. Thanks very much.
Paas my exam today. Valid dumps. Nice job!
Dump is valid. Thanks for all.
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